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Passito wine

There’s no doubt the Passitos di Pantelleria are Italy’s most famous. In Sicily they come under the protection of a specific denomination and in other regions they can even count on their own particular name: included among Passito wines are Valpolicella’s Reciotos and the Tuscan Vin Santo. Passito is a Raisin wine, made from grapes dried out in the sun, especially in more southerly regions. The tradition undergoes slight variations depending upon the location, but the most usual method for achieving the required sugar concentration is to let the bunches dry in baskets, laying them out on straw mats or wattle racks, or hanging them up on carts or in well-ventilated attics. They’re a type of sweet Italian wine with a great deal of complexity, perfect as an accompaniment to desserts and ice creams, and also to strong or mature cheeses such as a good Parmesano Reggiano or a Gorgonzola. Enjoy the diversity of the Passito wines that Italy has to offer, with the extensive selection provided by Vinissimus! On our website you’ll find top quality Passitos at prices to suit everyone, covering all tastes and needs.

ReciotosVin SantoItalian sweet winePedro Ximénez sweet sherryMuscatel winesRancio
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